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0 votes
Nível 6
Age 40+
  • Nuno Reis

  • From: Portugal, Lisboa, Algueirão-Mem Martins
  • Sports: Padel (level 3)
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  • Nuno's Stats

    Head to Head Comparison

    Nuno Reis
    - Wins (all times) -
    - Wins (this season) -
    - Won/Lost (all opponents, this season) -
    - Won/Lost (all opponents, all seasons) -
    - Age Group -
    - Plays -
    - Height -
    - Weight -
    - Registered Since -
  • Nuno's Matches
  • Nuno's Friends
  • Nuno's Proposals for Matches
  • Nuno's Tournaments
    Search by name
    Data pager
     33 items in 4 pages
    Padel Open de Natal (8 de dezembro)
    EPA - Evolution Padel Academy, 2023-12-08
    Padel IX Open My Padel Center (Portugal, Lisboa, Mafra)
    My Padel Center, 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-12
    Padel VI Open PSC de Veteranos by Águas do Caramulo (Portugal, Lisboa, Sintra)
    Padel Sports Club, 2023-11-02 - 2023-11-05
    Padel IX Open PSC by Águas do Caramulo (Portugal, Sintra)
    Padel Sports Club, 2023-10-11 - 2023-10-15
    Padel 2º Open Direct Padel – Indoor Bobadela (Portugal, Lisboa, Loures)
    Direct Padel - Indoor Bobadela, 2023-08-30 - 2023-09-03
    Padel Vilamoura Summer Cup (Portugal, Algarve, Quarteira)
    Vilamoura Tennis e Padel Academy, 2023-08-11 - 2023-08-15
    Padel Campeonato Nacional Absoluto de Padel 2023 (Portugal, Lisboa)
    Rackets Pro EUL, 2023-06-06 - 2023-06-11
    Padel Open ABC 5000 (Portugal, Lisboa, Sintra)
    ABC Indoor Padel, 2023-05-17 - 2023-05-21
    Padel II Open Azen Cool Padel (Portugal, Lisboa, São João Das Lampas)
    Azen Cool Padel, 2023-05-12 - 2023-05-14
    Padel XI Summer Open Valténis (Portugal, Lisboa, Sintra)
    Valténis Country Club, 2023-05-03 - 2023-05-07
  • Nuno's Ladders