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Age +18
  • Henry Peetermans

  • From: Belgium
  • Sports: Tennis (9 ITN), Padel (level 4), Squash (level 4), Beach Tennis (level 4), Badminton (level 4), Racquetball (level 4), Table Tennis (level 4), Gym (level 4), Soccer (11) (level 4), Teqball (level 4), Pickleball (level 4), Basketball (level 2), Soccer (7) (level 4), Soccer (5) (level 4), Beach Soccer (level 4), Court Soccer (level 4), Basket 3on3 (level 3), Padbol (level 4)
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  • Henry's Stats

    Head to Head Comparison

    Henry Peetermans
    - Wins (all times) -
    - Wins (this season) -
    - Won/Lost (all opponents, this season) -
    - Won/Lost (all opponents, all seasons) -
    - Age Group -
    - Plays -
    - Height -
    - Weight -
    - Registered Since -
  • Henry's Matches
  • Henry's Friends
  • Henry's Proposals for Matches
  • Henry's Tournaments
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  • Henry's Ladders